Temperature Conductivity

Specification : 


Stable, high-quality, semiconductor temperature sensor

Graphite conductivity electrodes resist corrosion and are easily cleaned


Fluid temperature/differential temperature

Fluid conductivity/differential conductivity

Natural Gamma



Fluid salinity

Location of zones of different water quality

Water-well monitoring

Identification of zones of in-flow/out-flow

Temperature gradient

Water-level determination

Location of grout behind casing

Temperature compensation of other logs

Operating Conditions

Borehole type: open/cased holes, water-filled

Recommended Logging Speed: 5m/min


Diameter: 38mm

Length: 1.69m

Weight: 4.5kg

Temperature: 0-70⁰C (extended ranges available)

Max. pressure: 20MPa

Temp. range: 0-70⁰C (extended ranges available)

Conductivity range: 50 to 50,000 μS / cm

Part Numbers

I002055 Temperature Conductivity probe with gamma

This probe combination provides a continuous, depth-based measurement of fluid temperature and conductivity.

Both parameters can be output in absolute and in differential forms. A natural gamma detector is included for correlation purposes.

Principle of Measurement:

The temperature and conductivity sensors are located in an insulated housing at the base of the probe. During logging, borehole fluid flows freely through ports on the side and base of this housing and over the sensors. The log is recorded downwards while running into the hole to minimise fluid disturbance.